Structural framing progress and major steel reinforcement

NEW UPDATE PHOTOS: We are proud to feature our latest progress in this week’s edition of Wastewater Wednesdays!

Today’s photos show the structural framing progress and major steel reinforcement of the primary treatment tank foundation, which is scheduled for its first of multiple concrete pours next week. The pre-stressed concrete reuse tank structure is vertical and is also ready for its first coat of shotcrete this week. 

And finally, we see the steady delivery of building and treatment materials flowing into the job site, like this large diameter PVC potable and reclaim water main piping, which will deliver future process water to the critical components of the future Mainland WRF!

Thank you as always for your support and interest! We look forward to sharing more in the coming weeks.

#CommunityProud #FLPublicPower City of Fort Pierce Florida Municipal Electric Association Florida Municipal Power Agency


AquaNereda basin concrete foundation poured


Introducing: Wastewater Wednesdays!